“Josiah and the Last Reformation: Beginnings of Reformation” (4/8)

Airing now on Our Jewish Roots


From the Western Wall to the ruins of Tel Dan, Joshua and Caleb explore the bar mitzvah tradition and Josiah’s emergence of authority in the kingdom. Without the law as a guidebook, King Josiah begins transforming the country within his scope of knowledge. The brothers’ teaching concludes with a shocking disruption as they experience the horrors of October 7th, the morning of Hamas’ attack.

Series: “Josiah and the Last Reformation”

Josiah’s life and the last days of the Kingdom of Judah parallel the last days of Believers today. Through His prophets, God forewarned Judah of the destruction to come at the hands of the Babylonians due to their rebellious hearts. America has fallen into similar sin and turned from God. This could lead to the removal of America as a world superpower and allow the emergence of the final Babylon—Babylon the Great.

However, Josiah humbled himself before God and pushed the greatest moral and spiritual reformation in all of history, extending God’s prophetic timetable of judgment. Believers today could witness a final Last Days outpouring of the Holy Spirit as prophesied in Joel, if we would only repent and cry out to God.

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“Josiah and the Last Reformation: Forewarnings of Destruction” (3/8)

Airing now on Our Jewish Roots


Early in Josiah’s reign, several prophets— Zephaniah, Habakkuk, and eventually Jeremiah—forewarned the coming destruction of Babylon. In the aftermath of the October 7 attack by Hamas, the Bearded Bible Brothers roam the desolate streets of Jerusalem explaining the children of Israel’s historic cycles of disobedience, persecution, deliverance, and finally reformation.

Series: “Josiah and the Last Reformation”

Josiah’s life and the last days of the Kingdom of Judah parallel the last days of Believers today. Through His prophets, God forewarned Judah of the destruction to come at the hands of the Babylonians due to their rebellious hearts. America has fallen into similar sin and turned from God. This could lead to the removal of America as a world superpower and allow the emergence of the final Babylon—Babylon the Great.

However, Josiah humbled himself before God and pushed the greatest moral and spiritual reformation in all of history, extending God’s prophetic timetable of judgment. Believers today could witness a final Last Days outpouring of the Holy Spirit as prophesied in Joel, if we would only repent and cry out to God.

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“Josiah and the Last Reformation – The Boy King” (2/8)

Airing now on Our Jewish Roots


From the Ophel ruins in Jerusalem, Joshua and Caleb shed light on the early years of King Josiah’s reign. In analyzing the influence of familial upbringing on Josiah’s heart, the brothers uncover a shocking link between Josiah’s penitence and the influence of his reforming grandfather. Even today, the enemy attempts to indoctrinate our young children in an effort to maintain hold over their minds into adulthood. The brothers discuss how parents can protect their children in an age of wickedness and perversion.

Series: “Josiah and the Last Reformation”

Josiah’s life and the last days of the Kingdom of Judah parallel the last days of Believers today. Through His prophets, God forewarned Judah of the destruction to come at the hands of the Babylonians due to their rebellious hearts. America has fallen into similar sin and turned from God. This could lead to the removal of America as a world superpower and allow the emergence of the final Babylon—Babylon the Great.

However, Josiah humbled himself before God and pushed the greatest moral and spiritual reformation in all of history, extending God’s prophetic timetable of judgment. Believers today could witness a final Last Days outpouring of the Holy Spirit as prophesied in Joel, if we would only repent and cry out to God.

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“Josiah and the Last Reformation: Worst Grandfather Ever” (1/8)

Airing now on Our Jewish Roots


Behold, the man God Himself rated as the most nefarious king in the history of Judah—Manasseh, Josiah’s grandfather! But Manasseh was emulating the sin precedent established by King Solomon hundreds of years prior. The Bearded Bible Brothers travel to the ancient high places of idolatry in Jerusalem to tell the story of rebellion, which placed Judah on the crossroads to coming judgment.

Series: “Josiah and the Last Reformation”

Josiah’s life and the last days of the Kingdom of Judah parallel the last days of Believers today. Through His prophets, God forewarned Judah of the destruction to come at the hands of the Babylonians due to their rebellious hearts. America has fallen into similar sin and turned from God. This could lead to the removal of America as a world superpower and allow the emergence of the final Babylon—Babylon the Great.

However, Josiah humbled himself before God and pushed the greatest moral and spiritual reformation in all of history, extending God’s prophetic timetable of judgment. Believers today could witness a final Last Days outpouring of the Holy Spirit as prophesied in Joel, if we would only repent and cry out to God.

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“Your Letters and a Preview of Josiah”

Airing now on Our Jewish Roots


From the studio, David and Kirsten Hart ask the Bearded Bible Brothers questions from viewers that have come into our ministry. Plus, we get a sneak peak at our upcoming series, “Josiah and the Last Reformation.”

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Nova Music Festival Massacre: Amit Musaaei interview

Airing now on Our Jewish Roots


The Bearded Bible Brothers talk to a survivor of the October 7th attack on the Nova Music Festival in Re’im Israel, Amit Musaaei, who tells how he narrowly escaped the massacre.

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“Last Days Revival” with Joshua and Caleb

Airing now on Our Jewish Roots


Joshua and Caleb dig into the scriptures to discover evidence of spiritual revival in the prophetic future. As we see the world around us growing darker, the Bearded Bible Brothers bring encouragement to believers in Yeshua.

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“The Second Coming” with Joshua and Caleb Colson

Airing now on Our Jewish Roots


Yeshua came as our sacrificial lamb, but He will be returning on the clouds of glory. Join the Bearded Bible Brothers as they bring teachings Social Media to the Our Jewish Roots television audience.

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“Harpazo” with Joshua and Caleb Colson

Airing now on Our Jewish Roots


Joshua and Caleb look back at their Social Media teachings as the Bearded Bible Brothers. One issue seems to be very divisive among followers of Jesus today – the catching up or rapture of the church. The Brothers dive into the scriptures for answers.

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“Avital Leibovich Interview, with Joshua and Caleb”

Airing now on Our Jewish Roots


The director of the American Jewish Congress, Avital Leibovich provided us her political and military expertise on the geopolitical strategy and activities affecting Israel and the entire Middle East.

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