Heart to Heart

 Jonathan Feldstein of "Heart to Heart."In making our new series, we scored a stirring interview with Jonathan Feldstein of “Heart to Heart.”  An Orthodox Jewish family man, Jonathan helps Christians donate blood to the ambulance and EMT service, Magen David Adom (lit., Red Shield of David), Israel’s version of our Red Cross.

What a picture! The People of the Book cooperating to bless Israel save the lives of those in need. Jonathan reminded us that the blood goes to victims of terror, accidents … AND TERRORISTS when the triage calls for it. Jewish morality compels the ambulance personnel to save the lives of “whomsoever,” which has led to some ironic events: As rockets rained on Israel, the family members of terror leaders were getting medical treatment from Israeli doctors!

We need to TELL THE TRUE STORY of events here. Jonathan has an awesome photo of Israelis lining up to donate blood for the U.S. on September 12, 2001. He counts it as a fulfillment of Genesis 12:3—that through the seed of Abraham all the families of the earth will be blessed. It is a partial fulfillment, along with many other benefits that have come from the Jews: the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, the Patriarchs, the Law, countless medical and scientific breakthroughs … and Messiah!

ZLM has supported ambulances through our benevolence funds … another way that we work together!


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3 Responses to Heart to Heart

  1. Mike says:

    In 1917 a book, “The Holy Scriptures According to the Masoretic Text” stated: “the Christological interpretations in non-Jewish translations are out of place in a Jewish Bible.” I read your newsletter, which is given to me by a fellow Christian and thought that because of your perspective, you would have some insight into why they make this statement. Needless to say I am a “Bible geek.”

  2. Lillian (Maher)Geddis says:

    shalom Mordecai , I met a fella online who claims it is blaspheme for Jesus to be equal to God… I want to witness to him without offending him he claims to be benei noach, is that like being Hasidic? I don’t want to turn him off although he insulted my belief in Christ, my husband is jewish by birth but never had a chance to discover his jewish ness because of the holocaust stuff his grandparents came here to escape from it so they hid it all this time I know what tora is for for the most part ,could you please give me scripture that I can share with him? he is young and blind to the truth HELP lol I told him to read Isaiah 55 anything you can give me will help ,I want to be Jesus to him hopefully his eyes will be opened please pray God gives me the right words.. (I never friend requested him he just appeared on my friends list, this must be providence ) thank you and ZLM for all you do Shalom till Jesus comes to get us.., Lillian Maher

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