With a wry irony befitting the Master of all creation, the UN’s Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) sits on the hill where tradition says Herod plotted to execute Yeshua. Today, the UN appears to plot repeatedly to “execute” Israel. For example, of the last 28 UN resolutions, 25 were against Israel for “human rights violations.” The UN was heedless to the horrors of Iran, North Korea, and other actual human-rights violators.
The UN is appropriately known colloquially as the “United Nothing.” We Believers know that the only hope of genuine world unity is under the gracious monarchy of Messiah.
Baruch haba Adonai Yeshua (Blessed Lord Jesus, come)!
We will pray everyday for the Israelites and for the UK. And at the same time, for the whole world. Our lord and soon coming king , Jesus Christ coming as Messiah and save us from
all evil spirits.
Where Solomon built his wife a pagan temple.