Author Archives: ZLM Editor

The City of the Great King

A Myles Memo by Myles Weiss         Yom Yerushalayim — “Jerusalem Day” (May 8 this year) marked the day 46 years ago that Israel wrested the Old City of Jerusalem from the Kingdom of Jordan in the … Continue reading

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Yom HaShoah

By Myles Weiss Growing up in New York, it was not unusual for me to see numbers tattooed on the forearms of shopkeepers, deli-owners, and random friends and relatives. It seemed a silent but significant witness to us, the younger … Continue reading

Posted in Holiday Message, Myles Weiss | 2 Comments

At the end of Passover

By Myles Weiss As Passover concludes around the world, I thought this photo of the original Southern Steps (they date from the time of Yeshua) makes a poignant statement of the Jewish historicity in the Land of Israel and Israel’s … Continue reading

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Future Congress 2 — January 4 – 6, 2013 in Dallas    

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A Mordechai Memo — Pre-Thanksgiving

By Mordechai “Myles” Weiss Dickens spoke of the best and worst of times in his classic “A Tale of Two Cities.”  A timeless phrase, it applies just as well now as it did in his 19th century Britain and France. … Continue reading

Posted in Myles Weiss | 2 Comments

Myles’s Blog from Jerusalem

By Myles Weiss What a Day! We interviewed Jan Willem van der Hoeven, of the International Christian Zionist Center. With the city spread out behind us, he passionately appealed to the worldwide community of faith to stand with Israel. Pastor … Continue reading

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For Intercessors, blogs, and any who will heed

Shalom from the City of David’s greater Son! We are in the ‘calm’ before the storm. The tour folks have dispersed, either to their homes or on to Petra. We have a day in Jerusalem to prep for the upcoming … Continue reading

Posted in Katharine Weiss, Myles Weiss, Zola Tours | 2 Comments

Gifts from God

By Myles Weiss Shalom from Jerusalem, the city of the Great King! As a precious gift to  our group last night, we arrived to the tune of “Jerusalem of Gold” as our bus pulled into the Mt. Scopus overlook exactly … Continue reading

Posted in Myles Weiss, Zola Tours | 1 Comment

Israel’s “Partner for Peace” Wants … No Israel

As we in America prepare for the upcoming elections, I am not surprised that the issue of support for Israel is on the back burner. My prayer is that the third debate will expose each candidate’s true heart regarding the … Continue reading

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A Season of Joy—Sukkot

By Katharine Weiss Jesus kept all the Feasts during His earthly life. He did this as an observant Jew, as a model for us, and as the promised Messiah. The season of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, is notable for … Continue reading

Posted in Holiday Message, Katharine Weiss | 2 Comments