Author Archives: ZLM Editor

Presidential Politics and Prophetic Positioning

  By Myles Weiss   As the nominees put forth their ideas on the stage of American presidential politics, I am listening for God. Is there a sound coming from either that reflects ANYTHING of the heart of God, His values, … Continue reading

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The depth and riches of the Lord and His Word!

By Myles Weiss    The Fall Feasts are winding down as we celebrate Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles. All the feasts have historical, prophetic, and personal applications. The history of Israel provides examples for us. The prophetic aspect points to … Continue reading

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by Myles Weiss Years ago I wrote an article begging the Muslim world to put forth voices of reason, love, or at least, a sense of humor. I called it “Waiting for Martin,” and with tongue in cheek, I searched … Continue reading

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Peace in the Storms of Life

  By Katharine Weiss As Believers we have this hope: no matter what is happening in this world or in our lives, we have an anchor that can bring us in from beyond the veil into the presence of God. … Continue reading

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The Irony of Yom Kippur and UN Speeches

By Myles Weiss Last night at sundown began the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur. On this, the Day of Atonement, Jews around the world ask forgiveness for our sins, failures, and shortcomings and look forward to God’s … Continue reading

Posted in Holiday Message, Myles Weiss | 4 Comments

The Biblical Roots of Today’s Middle East Conflicts

By Katharine Weiss   What are the biblical roots of the Middle East conflicts today? Jealousy and insecurity, which lead to rage, make up the ancient root. Ishmael’s insecurity came from focusing on who he wasn’t instead of on who … Continue reading

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You are the Shofar of God!

By Myles Weiss As the seasons pass from Rosh HaShanah to Yom Kippur, let’s not lose the symbolic importance of the “day of blowing” —the Feast of Trumpets. Beyond the heavenly sound of the physical ram’s horn, there is also … Continue reading

Posted in Holiday Message, Myles Weiss | 1 Comment

Happy New Year 5773!

or “Wake Up and Smell the Caliphate …” By Myles Weiss The NY Times this week printed a perfect picture of the confusion that prevails in Western thinking, especially in the media minds, regarding Islam. The Op-Ed page trumpeted a … Continue reading

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Saving Purim

By Eitan Shishkoff On what day does Israel celebrate Halloween? Actually, Israel doesn’t celebrate Halloween. Yet Purim, the biblical holiday instituted in the Book of Esther, looks more and more like the American extravaganza of All Hallows Eve. The costumes … Continue reading

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Why do the Jews claim Israel as their Land?

Have you ever wondered why the Jews claim the Land of Israel as their own? There are actually several reasons. The Jews are entitled to the land of Israel through: (1) Divine right; (2) Prior possession; (3) The Balfour Declaration; … Continue reading

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