Author Archives: ZLM Editor

Lion, Lamb… or Both?

As the nations rage against Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:9), and everything that can shake is shaking, we see the preparation for the promised Messiah. Israel’s restoration is the cosmic trumpet that signals the ticking prophetic clock: Messiah is on His way. … Continue reading

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At Whose Banqueting Table are you Feasting?

Purim, the Feast of Lots, is found in the Book of Esther. For 2012, Purim will start on Thursday, the 8th of March and will continue for until Friday, the 9th of March. Like Chanukah, it is not one of … Continue reading

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For Such A Time As This!

For Such a Time As This! As the season of Purim approaches, I am gripped by the intensity of events in the Middle East.  The story of Mordecai, Esther and Haman is one of the seminal illustrations of God’s commitment … Continue reading

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Jesus’ Three Days and Three Nights Prediction Explained (Matthew 12:40)

Have you ever been reading the Bible and encountered what seemingly was a contradiction? For instance have you ever wondered about Jesus’ prediction in Matthew 12:40? Since the Lord was crucified on Friday and rose again on Sunday, how can … Continue reading

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Selective Sisterhood

After twenty-five years of marriage, I can honestly agree with the old rumor “Jews make the best husbands.” At least my Jew—Myles—has been a wonderful friend, father, and follower of Yeshua. Every Shabbat (Sabbath), he praises me as a Proverbs … Continue reading

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Does Media Bias Exist Today?

These days, it’s important to stay informed of current events both here and around the world. However, with the often slanted reporting by our nation’s left-leaning media, how can you trust that what is being reported is actually the truth? … Continue reading

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Waiting for Martin

Where’s the Muslim Martin? Where is the voice of reform that will transform this religion of over one billion people? We need a voice similar to Martin Luther, who challenged the forces of corrupt Christianity. In his day, he dared … Continue reading

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Love Never Fails

Recently, I was reminded that love never fails, to paraphrase 1 Corinthians 13. Several years ago, we held a conference in California where David and Karen Davis from Haifa, Israel told how Jews and Arabs recover together from drug addiction … Continue reading

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Now More Than Ever!

Sha’alu Shalom Yerushalayim — Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem As the season of Christmas trees, Hanukkah candles, gifts, and feasting approaches, PLEASE join me in fervent prayer for Israel! The drums of war are sounding. As a pre-emptive strike … Continue reading

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“Hammer Time” – Rededicate YOUR Temple

The feasts of the Lord always provide us an opportunity to learn more about God and to grow in a deeper understanding of our purpose in Him. The Feast of Dedication is not one of the mandated feasts of Leviticus … Continue reading

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